Lymm Eagles 29 – 24 Liverpool University Veterinarians

Eagles Team Match Report | Saturday October 22 2022

Veterinarians Mauled by Eagles

On a crisp, warm Autumn Saturday, Lymm 3s continued their excellent recent form and extended their winning run to five with a battling win against Liverpool University Veterinarians.

This game pitted the experience older statesmen of Lymm against a team with probably the youngest average age in the league. It was going to be interesting to see if the difference in age profile could be used to advantage by the Merseyside visitors as the game wore on.  Lymm Eagles welcomed Loz Coates, Luke Emmitt and Tom Darbyshire back on the pitch for their first games this season.  Indeed, for Emmitt and Darbs, it was the first time they had been on any Lymm team sheet for several years.  Fortunately, Lymm were able to prepare well before the match, as due to a mistake with the kick-off time, the players arrived 2 hours early for the game.  The Eagles used the extra time well, by working on various moves, gameplays, lineout manoeuvres, fitness drills or simply heading back to the warmth of the clubhouse for a coffee and a fag.  The Americanos were apparently very tasty!!

The first half started evenly, with big tackles coming in from both sides and play moving swiftly between the 22s.  On several occasions, Liverpool managed to release their fast running backs, with only a knock on or misplaced pass preventing them from ripping through the Lymm defence.  The Lymm forwards started to gain some momentum and ably guided round the pitch by Chris Kinsey and Simon Beards at 9 & 10, started making metres with every carry.  After a couple of scrums, the Lymm forwards really started to turn the screw and started marching the lighter Liverpool scrum back with little opposition.  The relentless pressure took its toll on the Liverpool front row, who became increasingly slow to rise from each scrum.  Eventually, after 15 minutes play, No.8 Max Ure controlled the ball well at the back of a 5m scrum and drove over for an unconverted try.  Not long afterwards, strong linking runs by backs Emmitt and Oli Larkin released centre Kieran Williams to power over for an unconverted try (10-0).

By now, Lymm were threatening to steam roller the opposition and more pressure provided Max Ure with the opportunity to burrow through for a third unconverted try (15-0).  As the Lymm forwards piled on the pressure, the referee warned that he might call for uncontested scrums if the disparity continued.  Eventually it was a yellow card awarded to a Liverpool prop that finally moved the scrums to being uncontested, albeit temporarily.  Despite the numerical disadvantage, this seemed to suit Liverpool, who were now guaranteed possession of the ball and a good platform to work from.  It wasn’t long before good breakdown play and a quick turnover released the fast Liverpool backs to score an unconverted try to bring up the half (15-5).


The half time message was to play in the right areas, use the scrum when in the red zone and work hard in defence.  The second half started with more powerful Lymm forward play and after 45 minutes, it was one scrum too many for Liverpool.  Maybe it was the sight of tight head prop David Coon readying himself to come back on after a brief rest, but the Liverpool hooker went down with a sore neck.  Although he was able to continue playing, for player safety, the scrums had to go uncontested.

This was a massive blow to Lymm’s game plan, but they dug deep and on 49 minutes, from a lineout catch and drive, hooker and Captain Brown bullied his way over for a good individual try.  This provided him with a degree of personal redemption after previously allowing himself to be nutmegged by the ball earlier in the match.  The try was well converted by Larkin (22-5).

At this point Liverpool really seemed to wake up and with the benefit of the uncontested scrums (have I mentioned that???) were able to start using their superior fitness by scoring two quick tries on 51 and 55 minutes, with one of them converted (22-17).

Lymm regrouped and powerful carries from Tom Coon, Jez Ure and Jim France got Lymm into the Liverpool 22 and after several phases, flanker Craig Capewell cut a perfect line to power over for a try with 4 forwards on his back.  This was ably converted by Larkin (29-17) on 70 minutes.

By now Lymm were really starting to tire and Liverpool, with youth, stamina and a distinct lack of fear, started chucking the ball around which left Lymm clutching at shadows.  On 76 minutes, quick ball and accurate passing saw the Liverpool go in for a try, which with a very quick conversion, cut the lead to only 5 points (29-24).

With Lymm getting edgy and tired, Liverpool sensed blood, but Captain Brown managed to turn the ball over and regain possession. Disciplined rumble after rumble, utilising every forward, with prop Quinn Peers carrying strongly several times, ran the clock down.  With only a few seconds left, the referee missed some rogue Liverpool hands in the ruck and the turnover ball allowed a final attack from Liverpool from their own try line.  Their very fast winger almost got clear of the trailing Lymm defence, but brilliant last ditch tackling from Max Ure and wings Josh Keefe and Tom Coghill saved Lymm from potential defeat and brought the final whistle from a Liverpool knock on.


A tough match, where a sigh of relief could be heard from both sides at the final whistle.  The result was probably closer than Lymm thought it would have been after the first 20 minutes and Captain Brown was quick to remind his team that they must stay focussed for the full 80 minutes.  Man of the match could have gone to several players, but from this scribe, Max Ure gets it for that last ditch tackle after 80 minutes solid work from him.  Lymm maintain 2nd place in the league.

There is no game for Lymm Eagles next week but get down to Crouchley Lane to see the 1st XV vs Kirby Lonsdale or over to Caldy to support the 2nd XVs (good beer there too!).

Team: 1)  Quinn Peers 2) Olly Brown (C) 3) David Coon 4) Tom Darbyshire 5) Jez Ure 6) Jim France 7) Craig Capewell 8) Max Ure 9) Chris Kinsey 10) Simon Beards 11) Josh Keefe 12) Kieran Williams 13) Luke Emmitt 14) Tom Coghill 15) Oli Larkin  16) Tom Coon 17) Loz Coates 18) Alfie Kinsey 19) Keith Broadbent


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