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You are invited to join the Lymm Grass Roots 500 Club Draw which provides members and their family and friends with a low cost opportunity to win cash prizes every quarter as well as contributing to the achievement of the development plans for Lymm Rugby Football Club.
Membership costs only £5 per month.
Quarterly draws will distribute 50% of the funds as prize money.
There is no limit to the number of memberships that an individual can have.
We offer a number of ways to join:
- Lymm RFC Setup The Standing Order:
If you wish us to set up the standing order for you simply download the Standing Order Mandate form (pdf) from the link on this page.
Ensure to enter in Section 2 the amount you wish to contribute each quarter dependent on the number of memberships you would like:
1 membership entry is £15
2 is £30
3 is £45
4 is £60 etc
Once completed, either:
Scan and Email to Andy Leach (
Email Andy Leach ( who will advise of the address to where the completed form can be posted at this present time.
Do not send directly to your Bank.
After your application has been processed by the 500 Club Draw Administrator, you will be advised of your lucky 500 Club numbers. - You Setup The Standing Order:
If you would prefer to set up the standing order yourself, simply complete the online application below.
Once this has been receieved you will be contacted via email by the 500 Club administrator and advised of your 500 Club Draw number(s).
You can then set up the standing order with your bank using your 500 Club Draw number(s) as the reference.
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
Account No: 02368608
Sort Code: 30-95-42
Account Name: The Lymm Grass Sports Appeal
Once completed email the 500 Club administrator to confirm.
Many thanks for your support of this important funding initiative – your support will make a difference and allow us to develop enduring facilities which will be enjoyed by the future generations of Lymm and its wider community.