06/12/19 | General
Christmas Events 2019
Author: Neil Kelly

Christmas Events
Dear Members,
As the year draws to a close ,we have 3 exciting social events for you and open to all members and guests to attend :-
14th December
Rugby’s Christmas and Rick ‘Rock’ Condo’s Leaving Party – Local Band Shakermaker and Disco by Rick MC Condo
£10 per ticket book online www.lymmrugby.co.uk/shop
21st December
The Big Club Outing
1pm Buffet at Beechwood , followed by coach trip to the AJ Bell Stadium
3pm Sale Sharks v Northampton Saints
5pm Coach Return to Beechwood
£25 for both adults and juniors, book online www.lymmrugby.co.uk/shop
21st December
Christmas Carols at the Club , – informal get togather and Light Buffet
Please contact Peter Cornelia to advise of numbers petercornelia46@gmail.com
All funds raised will assist in our completion of the Halfway House refurbishment and the downstairs carpets in the Clubhouse .
Our 2 events in the clubhouse will be hugely enjoyable and our best way of thanking Steve Diamond from Sale Sharks for supporting Lymm RFC, is to reciprocate our support for him.
I look forward to seeing you on the 14th and 21st and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
Neil Kelly , President