04/04/19 | Events
Past players & Members Reunion – Sat 30th March 2019
Author: Peter Cornelia

An excellent turnout of 70+ attended the pre match buffet luncheon last Saturday.
Many had travelled some distance to attend: Simon Leitch from France, together with his family; David Mercer from Northampton; Peter Gregory from London; Steve Ashall from Port Madoc; John Grensinger and Eric Carter from Shropshire; Stan Goddard from the West Midlands; Rob Forsyth and Tony Hollings from Yorkshire; Paul Taberham from Florida; Big Red & AP from The Bull.
A particular welcome guest was Jim McClennan, who travelled over from Hoylake, Jim was the 4th Club Captain in 1963/64 season.
An excellent buffet was provided by our Club Manager, Rick Condo and his staff. Tony Wright welcomed everybody, including guests from our opposition Harrogate, and proposed the toast to absent friends. Unfortunately our 1st and 2nd XV’s, who were both playing at home, lost their matches but it didn’t detract from an enjoyable afternoon, which continued into early evening in true rugby club style.
A big thank-you to Tony Wright, who pulled it all together and keeps the former members, spread far and wide around the world, in touch with the club via his weekly newsletter.
Next year we will be celebrating our Diamond Jubilee, 60th Anniversary Year and look forward to seeing even more attend a celebratory reunion. More information will follow when plans have been finalised.