23/11/21 | General

The Lymm Rugby Club Panto is Back!

Author: John Cartwright

“Aladdin Lymm”

Dear Members,

The world famous Lymm Panto is nearly upon us with the 1st show being performed this Thursday 25th November 2021, and over 3 weeks thereafter with 9 performances in total.

As you will have seen in previous notifications about this event, we are implementing a number of new Covid related protocols that will ensure we comply with Government and Local Authority recommendations, create a positive experience for guests attending the show and minimise any risk to our staff and cast. These can be viewed on the web site or on notices posted in the club house.

All tickets are now sold out and access to the club house on show nights will only be allowed for guests with a valid Panto ticket for the specific night in question.

To ensure we have sufficient time to prepare the club house for the shows prior to each performance, all visitors and members within the 1st floor area will be required to leave the facility by 6.00pm. Away teams, and other sections of the club have been notified and they are happy to support our efforts in this respect.

For evening performances, the doors for guests attending the Panto will be opened at 7.00pm with the curtain up at 8.00pm. For the matinee performance on Sunday 12th December the 1st floor must be vacated by 1.00pm, the doors will open at 2.00pm and the curtain up will be at 3.00pm.

Our annual Panto is an important social event for the Club and I look forward to your full support in our endeavours to deliver a safe and enjoyable Panto for 2021. I apologise for any inconvenience our Covid protocols may have on your access to the club over this short period.

John Cartwright – Chairman, 23rd November 2021



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