10/03/22 | General
‘Best of The Vaudeville Show’ returns to Lymm RFC
Author: Simon Plumb

As part of Lymm Rugby Club’s summer extravaganza, and the grass roots clubhouse fundraising appeal, the Lymm Panto troupe will be staging the ‘Best of the Vaudeville Show’ on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 21, 22 and 23 July.
‘Despite no marquee this year, and following a barnstorming Panto run last December, we will be back on stage in the clubhouse, with our usual madness,’ said impresario Simon Plumb.
‘An all seated, theatre-style affair, our lovely and loyal audience can expect great entertainment with some classic favourites like ‘Dogging’, ‘Bring in the Clowns’ and Charlie the vent dummy,’ added Simon.
‘Please put these dates in your diary and tickets will be on sale shortly,’ added Simon.