03/06/20 | Obituaries
Gary Fletcher Funeral Arrangements
Author: Rick Johnson

Gary’s funeral will be held at 12.30pm on Friday 5th June at Dunham Crematorium.
You will all be aware that due to the current restrictions that are in place the funeral can only be attended by a limited number of family members.
At approximately 11.30am Gary’s funeral cortege will drive to the crematorium via the Rugby Club and complete a circuit of the car park. This will allow his friends and members of the Club to pay their respects and give him a fitting send off.
As the club was so important to Gary, Adam and the family have asked if those members attending could please wear an item of clothing with a Club emblem on it. They would also like us to celebrate Gary’s life with a round of applause as they drive past.
Due to social distancing concerns could we ask that, where possible, you do not drive to the club as this will allow more space for those attending. The police have also requested that Crouchley Lane is not used for parking.
The gates at Club will be open from 10.45am to allow people to take their places and will close
once the cortege has left and the car park cleared. There will be no access to the Clubhouse.
There are further details of how the logistics will be managed safely and within Government
guidelines on this page for anyone who wishes to see them.
Please take instructions from the marshals that we will have on duty, on where to stand so that we can safely mark, remember and celebrate the life of Gary Fletcher, one of the finest members the Club has had.