04/06/20 | Uncategorised
Lymm Rugby Club’s “Big Donation Day”
Author: GARY SKENTELBERY - Lymm Life

DURING these unprecedented and challenging times Lymm Rugby Club members were determined to play their part in supporting the local community with a “Big Donation Day”.
The great sport of rugby has some overriding principles and at the core are those of support and teamwork. Lymm Rugby Club asked all members through the mini and juniors teams, senior squads and social members to support the club’s ‘Big Donation Day’ in conjunction with the ‘Leave No One Behind Campaign in Lymm’ (LNOBIL).
Lymm Rugby Club members were asked to make donations to food boxes and the content included tinned, dry, packet foods and toiletries. The immediate beneficiaries of these donations are Lymm families via the ‘LNOB in Lymm’ campaign but also the immediate surrounding areas by way of the LNOBIL partnership with local food-banks, refuges and NHS in Warrington.
Last Sunday (31/05/20) a large number of members, and the wider public, made donations of the suggested items at the club at socially distanced drop-off points in the car park and then the club donation was transported to LNOBIL team for them to distribute.
“I was delighted that we all pulled together here as a team and, hopefully will make a significant impact for those most vulnerable people in our community,’ concluded Guy Larkin, Lymm Junior team coach and organiser.”
Pictured: Guy Larkin is surrounded by donations made by Lymm Rugby Club’s members.